2 years ago
Leveraging Stigg as your Pricing & Packaging CMS
The common way to integrate with Stigg is by using Stigg SDKs or API, but it's also possible to leverage Stigg's cloud services and UI to manage your product catalog and subscriptions, while still owning a replica of the data, and building a custom integration on top it.
We like to call that "Bring Your Own Solution" (or BYOS) type of integration.
If any of the following is true, you might consider the BYOS approach:
- You already have an entitlement management solution that provisions customers with access to your product, and switching over is too much effort.
- You prefer not to depend on the availability of Stigg cloud services or SDKs for enforcing access to features.
The BYOS integration method allows you to keep using your existing solution (or build one) by sourcing its data from Stigg.
More details about this approach can be found here.