Stair-step pricing for usage-based charges that are committed to in advance
We've extended the supported pricing models for usage-based charges that customers to commit to in advance.
Each usage-based charge can be defined with one of the following pricing models:
1. Standard pricing - where customers will be charged the same price for each unit
2. Stair-step pricing - where customers will be able to commit to bulks of units in tiers, and the unit price in each tier represents a discount over the previous tier
When stair-step pricing is selected, customers can select their desired tier directly from the Stigg pricing table widget. When integrated with a billing solution such as Stripe, the selected tier would be automatically reflected in the Stripe-hosted checkout page.
As well with all of the supported pricing models on the Stigg platform, you can easily switch between the different pricing models with no-code - Stigg auto-magically 🪄 reflects the changes in your application 💪🤩.
Stair-step pricing is supported by the Stigg Node.js SDK v2.25.0, Stigg JavaScript SDK v2.18.1, Stigg React SDK v4.2.2, Stigg Vue.js SDK v3.4.0 and the Stigg Embed SDK v4.4.0 or later.