Subscription billing using invoices
In some cases, especially in B2B SaaS, payment for subscriptions is done via wire transfers.
Luckily, Stigg allows you generate invoice for subscriptions and mark them as paid after receiving confirmation that the relevant funds have been transferred.
The subscription's invoice, which includes the details required for performing the wire transfer, can be shared with customers via payment link or PDF. Customers can then leverage these details to transfer funds to the relevant bank account.
When payment for the subscription is done via ACH, Stripe will automatically mark the invoice as paid. When payment for the subscription is transferred to a bank account outside of Stripe, the invoice needs to manually be marked as paid, which can be done directly from the Stigg app.
Once the invoice is paid, the subscription in Stigg becomes active and access to the the relevant entitlements is granted.
More details about how subscriptions invoices can be generated in Stigg can be found here.